Hair loss in women

Alopecia almost affects 20 % adult women. It is very important to make the correct diagnosis. The success of the treatment depends on it. As you know, hair especially for women, are one of the most important beauty attributes. Their lack is a huge problem. We want to help women face it and successfully overcome it.

Androgenic alopecia in women

It is the most common type of hair loss in women - 2 on 3 cases. Both hormones cause it, and genes, and manifests itself in a significant weakening of the hair. It can start already in the adolescence phase, however to 40. year of life is not very severe.

Both men, and women, who have been diagnosed with this type of alopecia show increased sensitivity to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

For reasons that have not been fully explained, DHT triggers an immune process that destroys the hair follicles. As a result, healthy hair - long, thick, with color, gradually begin to fade away, short hair appears in their place, thin, without pigment.

Noticed, that in both sexes an enzyme is involved in the transformation of testosterone into DHT 5 alpha reductase type 1 i 2. Women's skin contains half as much of this enzyme as men's skin. In addition, it also contains other enzymes, which make, that female pattern baldness may be milder. Most ladies will never be completely bald. Unlike men, women tend to lose their hair on the top of their heads, while in men the forehead line is thinning (characteristic bends) and tip, which over time combine and the so-called. chaplet.

The gene or genes responsible for androgenic alopecia are dominant genes, which we can inherit from both my father, as well as from the mother. It may also appear in patients, in whom there were no such cases in the family. Members of the same family may experience alopecia of varying severity, because it is also influenced by other genetic factors.


Is it androgenetic alopecia?

Women can lose their hair for many different reasons. Before a specialist diagnoses and starts treatment for androgen alopecia, must first rule out the remaining possible causes of alopecia. To

– protein and iron deficiency, that is, anemia. It is one of the leading causes of hair loss in women, and it often goes unrecognized.
– thyroid disorders. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause baldness.
– pharmacotherapy, e.g.. cancerous, anticoagulant, antispasmodic, against hyperthyroidism, contraceptive or antidepressant.

The following statements are helpful in determining the correct cause of hair loss.

1. Androgenetic alopecia usually appears in adolescence, 20 or 30 years.
2. In typical androgenetic alopecia, sudden hair loss is usually not noted. In some women, a hereditary tendency to baldness may become apparent during the increase in hair loss after delivery, as a result of high fever or other diseases. This type of alopecia is called telogen effluvium and lasts for several months. Hair usually grows back completely within a year, in hereditary women they will remain much rarer.
3. Androgenetic alopecia is hereditary. But it is not only the mother and father that must be considered, but also brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles on both sides of the family.
4. Women with androgenetic alopecia usually have regular periods, normal pregnancies and have no fertility problems.
5. The symptoms of alopecia can be enhanced with certain medications, as well as diseases manifested by high fever, improper hair care, too strong pinning, aggressive treatments, bad diet.
6. One of the signals of androgenetic alopecia is that the hair is thinning, therefore, e.g.. the parting line becomes wider.
7. The most characteristic symptom of this condition is thinning, growing hair shorter and thinner. Their tips are definitely thinner than at the base.
8. In women with alopecia, the forehead line will rise, most often remaining straight, M-shaped, just like men, which create characteristic bends.


Hair loss (male and female type) can have a devastating effect on the psyche, as researchers at Monash University found.

However, the new Halo group therapy program (ang. short for hair loss - hair loss), led by lecturers of Behavioral Studies, Dr Fracesce Collins and Monash University colleague Sebastiane Biondo gave positive results in mitigating the psychological effects of hair loss.
Female androgenic alopecia (even hair loss over the entire surface of the scalp) touches in between 20 a 50 percentage of Australian women, one in five after 30 years of age and every second after 60 age.
The Halo program is intended for adult women with androgenic alopecia who are expecting or undergoing treatment. About 20 women took part in the eight-week program, first run at Alfred Hospital in the year 2004.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program and its impact on the psychological problems of patients- including self-esteem, your image , confidence, interpersonal relations, The anxiety and depression associated with hair loss will be featured today (28 September 2005) at the annual conference of Australian psychologists in Melbourne.
There has not been much Australian research on the psychological aspects of female hair loss to date. W 2002 Mrs. Biodno started the first Australian research, who discovered the impact of hair loss on the psyche and quality of life of women. This research developed into the Halo program, led by Dr. Collins and Rodney Sinclair, profesor dermatologii na University of Melbourne.
“Most of the women diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia are stunned by the mere fact, that there is such a condition and, that's what they are, as do many women, fell on them " – says Mrs. Biondo. “Lack of awareness and understanding is typical not only for a large number of people but also for many health and hair specialists. They are unaware of how common the disease is and how much of a burden it is for people who have contracted it. There is also a lack of proven, patient-friendly information on this disease "
“The Halo program aims to educate women in self-confidence and empower them to talk to doctors, and the development of relaxation techniques and the provision of information on treatment modalities. "
Dr. Collins says, that most people do not understand the concern, sadness and a sense of helplessness when the disease progresses slowly. “A lot of women don't go outside, become nervous or depressed, preferring to hide my condition out of shame, ”she says. “They also don't feel confident, when they need to talk to their doctors about their condition or possible treatments. Often months or even years pass, before they take any action. "

7 reasons for hair loss in women

Let us explain at the outset: woman! If your hair is falling out, you are not alone!
Women can lose their hair for many different reasons. However, this topic is much more widely discussed than hair loss in men. In many cases, it is possible to diagnose and eliminate the factors behind hair loss. It makes it, that many women discuss this issue with their doctors. Here are the most common causes of hair loss:

-Low iron levels. Iron deficiency, whether related to anemia or not, can lead to hair loss. However, do not start taking tablets containing this element immediately, because its excess is also harmful.

Disorders of the thyroid gland. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause hair loss
Low estrogen levels. Many women suffer from hair loss during and after the menopause, when estrogen levels drop. Birth control pills can also affect the hormonal balance, resulting in hair loss.

-Hormonal changes after childbirth. Freshly baked mums can experience hair loss for up to six months after birth, when estrogen levels return to normal. Contrary to appearances, what appears to be increased hair loss is actually an attempt to regulate the natural cycle of hair growth.

-Telogen hair loss. This is the general name for an emergency, temporary hair loss caused by recent stress or surgery, usually two months after the event. (This phrase may also describe sudden hair loss caused by other factors, like hormonal changes)

Medicine. Many medications can result in hair loss. If you are concerned, Talk to your doctor if there are any alternatives.

-High levels of vitamin A or selenium. Usually, a sufficient amount of these micronutrients is found in multivitamins and tablets. So it rarely happens, that we have an abundance of them.


Hair loss- main risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of hair loss:

Genes (hereditary tendencies). If one or both of your parents have been affected by hair loss, there is a good chance, that it will affect you too

Disease. Certain medical conditions can contribute to hair loss. These include fungal infections, thyroid dysfunction or lupus.

Age. Most people start losing their hair after 50 age.

Medicines. Certain medications can cause scalp problems resulting in hair loss.

Hair styling. Frequent coloring, straightening or curling your hair can weaken it considerably.