Normal blood test results

Normal blood test results.

In the following article, we present some of the blood parameters, description and values ​​considered correct for women (K) and men (M)

Urea nitrogen
Urea nitrogen testing is mainly used to assess kidney function.
Blood norm: 7.1-16.3 mmol/l (10-23 mg%)

It is a sterol compound found in plasma in alpha- i beta-lipoproteinach, the concentration of which increases when consuming energy-rich foods, especially carbohydrates, influencing the risk of atherosclerosis. And yes – lowering cholesterol by 1% reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 2%. LDL – that is, the fraction positively correlated with the incidence of coronary artery disease – as the level increases, so does the risk… Other risk factors – overweight, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, male gender, postmenopausal women, stress, sedentary lifestyle, they also have a great influence on laboratory research.
Rule: Some general recommendations are recognized

  • do 200 mg% is considered to be correct
  • from 200 mg% do 250 mg% – elevated
  • above 250 mg% – incorrect

Neutral fats are the main constituents of chylomicrons – protein compounds- fatty acids responsible for the transport of fats in the blood (simply from the gut to the liver). Hence, their increased concentration occurs mainly after meals.
Rule: Glyerydy (Ok. 90% to trójglicerydy – TG) – their normal plasma concentration is within limits 30-300 mg% (sic!). On average it is in women 140(+-60) mg%, in men 170(+-100) mg%…

Lipoproteiny alfa-1 (high density – HDL)
They pose 17 – 30% lipoprotein, contain approx. 2% cholesterol. It is believed, that HDL is responsible for removing cholesterol from the vessel walls.

Lipoproteiny beta (low density – LDL)
They pose 48 – 75% lipoprotein, and contain approx. 50% cholesterol. LDL is the opposite of HDL, and LDL-cholesterol is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis.

Plasma urea depends on the amount of protein in the diet and the kidney's ability to handle it (urea) expulsion.
Rule: With a diet containing 1 g of protein / kg body weight (m.c.) blood urea nitrogen concentration is approx. 8.6 mmol/l (12 mg%). Protein consumption in the amount of approx. 2 g / kg bw causes an increase to approx. 14.2 mmol/l (20 mg%).

OB (Biernacki's reaction)
The depletion of blood cells in the serum depends on the physical and chemical properties of the blood. Determined after 1, and sometimes also and 2 hours
Rule: K do 12 mm, M do 8 mm (po 1 h)

Volume ratio of erythrocytes to blood plasma, referred to as % the volume of blood cells in a certain volume of blood
Rule: K 37-47%, M 40-54%

The amount of blood dye that binds oxygen and carbon dioxide. Specified in grams per 100 ml [g%] or in millimoles per liter [mmol/l]
K 6.82-9.31 mmol/l (11.0-15.0 g%)
M 7.45-10.55 mmol/l (12.0-17.0 g%)

ERYTROCYTY (Red blood cells – E, RBC)
Due to their shape and hemoglobin content, erythrocytes are used for gas exchange (the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide).
K 4.8 +/- 0.8 T/l (4.8 +/- 0.8 M/ul)
M 5.4 +/- 0.8 T/l (5.4 +/- 0.8 M/ul)

Average volume in fl (MCV)
82 – 92

Average weight of Hb in pg (fmol) (MCH)
1.8 – 2.2 (27 – 31)

The mean concentration of Hb in % (mmol/l) (MCHC)
20 – 21 (32 – 34)

Thickness in um
1.7 – 2.5

Diameter in um
6.0 – 9.0

TROMBOCYTY (Platelets – T, PLT)
Platelets are involved in the process of hemostasis, blood clotting, and they also store and transport some amines (m. in. serotoninę, adrenaline)
Rule: 150 – 300 G/l (K/ul)

LEUCOCYTES (White blood cells – L, WBC)
White blood cells play a very important role in the body's defense mechanisms.
Rule: 4.0 – 10.0 G/l (K/ul)

There are several types of white blood cells in the peripheral blood. Their number is usually determined as a percentage (%) or in absolute terms (G/l).
1. neutrophilic granulocytes
- young characters("Young"): 0 – 1 % (0 – 0.1 G/l)
- rod-shaped forms ("Sticks"): 3 – 6 % (0.18 – 0.48 G/l)
- split characters (”podz”): 56 – 66 % (3.4 – 5.2 G/l)

2. granulocyty kwasochłonne (”kw”)
2 – 4 % (0.12 – 0.32 G/l)

3. basophils ("Again")
0 – 0.5 % (0.02 – 0.04 G/l)

4. lymphocytes (“lim”)
20 – 45 % (1.2 – 2.7 G/l)

5. monocyty ("Mono")
4 – 8 % (0.24 – 0.28 G/l)