Baby bath

Baby bath

Happy, you bring a new family member home from the hospital. You put him in a crib for the first time, you enjoy looking at his tiny body. However, soon you will have to take care of it, trying to provide him with the highest comfort. When the newborn will be several days old, you'll have to bathe him for the first time. Best, if you do it together. You will feel more confident, having help, and besides, taking care of the toddler will bring you closer to each other and strengthen the ties between you and the child.

Before you start the bath itself, be sure to have all the necessary accessories ready. Organize the place, in which you will bathe your baby and put him / her down right after you take him out of the water. Spread a soft towel over the changing cabinet. Let it be there, as close as possible to the bathtub, so that you don't have to carry your newborn baby over long distances. Well, if you put a blanket under the towel, that the child would be soft and warm. Except that, set your skin care cosmetics like this, keep them at hand. Only after that, you can start preparing the bath itself.

Little, plastic bathtubs are the best way to bath a newborn baby. Remember, to ensure the right temperature both in the room, and the water temperature. The water should not be too hot. Experts say, that the optimal temperature is approx. 23 degrees Celsius. However, the ambient temperature should be the same, like body temperature or slightly higher, but better, not to exceed 38 degrees. Thanks to that, The toddler will not get cold while bathing or dressing, but it won't overheat either.

When bathing, try to be extremely gentle. Remember, that the toddler's head cannot get wet. You should hold your baby with your hand, putting it under practically his entire body. Thanks to that, we secure the head and make it, that only the lower body remains in the water. Let's leave the hair washing for the later weeks of life. Soaping should begin with these clean parts of the body. At the very end, we clean the bottom.

After washing is finished, you should as soon as possible transfer your toddler to a towel and wipe it well. For convenience, you can put the baby on an unfolded diaper. After gently wiping, we should smear the body of the newborn with olive oil. Otherwise, you need to take care of the navel, wiping it with spirit or other disinfecting substance recommended by a doctor. After that, we dress the baby in warm clothes like this, to be sure, that nothing will make him cold or get cold. Belongs, because remember, that the baby is especially prone to colds after bathing.