Allow yourself to endure the pain of losing your husband to the end. Then you will regain your spiritual equilibrium and you will be able to enjoy yourself again …
Each married couple must find their own recipe for happiness. There are, however, a few universal rules. You have to show respect for your partner's individuality, openly, specifically, but express your tactfully …
Problems arise as you grow up. Most of them are associated with discovering and shaping one's own personality and with more and more frequent contacts with people.
“It is not easy for a non-drinker in company. – You cannot drink the host's health?-the guests comment out loud. How can we behave in such a situation?”
“I'm in trouble with my son, who remains under the care of a specialist from the Mental Health Clinic. As suggested by the attending psychologist, our whole family should receive psychotherapy …
Live happily, it is to forgive all the wrongs and resentments. First to your parents. Long-established injuries, regrets, the desire for revenge destroys the psyche – so say psychotherapists. Moreover, are …