When deciding to take a course of treatment by means of, worth considering, are all slimming pills safe. It turns out, that …
Pills, which accelerate the fat burning process
If we care about it, to lose unnecessary kilograms, one should - as mentioned above - lead to a negative energy balance. It turns out, that process …
Pills, which suppress the appetite
Slimming pills
How to get rid of extra pounds? This is a very common question, which falls from the mouths of many people - especially women. It is known, that that …
Hot water
Hot water will keep you warm longer, if a tablespoon of salt is added to the boiling water, e.g.. to the bubble, bottles, thermophore. This method is also used in many farms …
Kitchen scents
Kitchen scents will be effectively absorbed: mint, pepper, cloves, marjoram cooked in a little water; vinegar boiled until completely evaporated (e.g.. spilled on the board, for which …
Stone from the kettle
You can remove the limescale from the kettle by boiling potato or sour apple peels in it or by pouring a little vinegar into it and leaving it covered on …
Washing dishes
Kitchen utensils can be washed well: hot water, in which the pasta was boiling, water mixed with salt or vinegar, heated whey, strained when making the curd …
Oil bottles
Oil bottles are easily washed with water mixed with vinegar and rice (4 tablespoons of vinegar and a tablespoon of raw rice on 0,5 l of water). Po 2…4 …
The pot is burnt
A burnt pot can be saved by boiling a little water in it with plenty of table salt and scouring powder. After we've left it for a while (unfortunately, sometimes …