CHILDBIRTH – Before the baby is born, there are different options to consider in the perinatal period. Your doctor can provide information on the different natural methods of giving birth, and to argue for and against the use of anesthetics to reduce pain in labor. An anesthetic injected into the so-called epidural space relieves the pain, while the woman giving birth remains awake and aware of it, what is happening around her. This type of anesthesia is called regional anesthesia and is usually associated with fewer side effects than general anesthesia..

The need for surgery depends on various factors and circumstances, which can be discussed with the obstetrician prior to labor. During normal labor, the skin of the perineum is cut to widen the vaginal opening. A cesarean section is the surgical removal of a baby from the mother's womb. This operation is sometimes planned in advance or performed ad hoc (which is referred to by the medical term "emergency”) due to the threat to the life of the mother or child.

The first signs of labor may be difficult to spot. Some women experience so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions a few weeks before their due date.. They occur irregularly, they do not get stronger and do not indicate the onset of labor. In most women, the onset of proper labor is indicated by the loss of the amniotic fluid. The amniotic sac is then ruptured and fluid is released, which protects the child. The amount of fluid that flows out of the uterus can vary widely, from low to very high. Other symptoms that indicate the onset of labor include: a small amount of blood-colored discharge from the genital tract and uterine contractions that occur at regular intervals.

Childbirth is divided into three periods. In the first and longest phase, uterine contractions cause the cervix to widen, so that the baby can escape from the uterine cavity. In women giving birth for the first time, this phase may even last 12 hours or more. During the second stage of labor, contractions of the uterus push the baby out. In women, which give birth for the first time, this phase may take several hours, although sometimes a baby is born after just a few minutes. The final stage of labor is the expulsion of the placenta, which occurs quickly and relatively pain-free. After the first baby is born, each birth is usually shorter and lasts from 4 do 8 hours, as the uterus and the muscles of the vaginal wall become more flexible.