Pregnancy calendar

Pregnancy calendar


In the first week, the fertilized cell, containing the complete genetic information in the fallopian tube, migrates and divides it in succession. In the second week, the embryo is implanted in the uterus, in her mucosa. An amniotic fluid is formed, forming a closed bladder with amniotic fluid, in which the child is provided with comfort and proper development. In the third week, the embryo has 2,5 mm in length. A heart bud is formed, the circulatory system and the nervous system begin to form. From 21. day's heart beats, which gives rhythm to a young life. In the fourth week, the embryo is measured 6 mm and already has kidneys, liver and digestive tract. The umbilical cord is formed, through which the child receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother and through which waste products are removed. Limb buds are formed.

You may feel altered at the beginning of pregnancy, which is most often manifested by fatigue, sleepiness, but also irritability and mental excitability. Anorexia is very common (Ok. 80% of women have an aversion to certain foods) or excessive appetite for certain foods (the so-called. whims) and the constipation that accompanies it. You may be bothered by different smells. There may also be symptoms, resulting from the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system: nausea, vomiting, salivation, heartburn. They often appear in the morning, but they can also last all day long. Morning nausea and vomiting can accompany you throughout your pregnancy, however, they usually pass after 12.-14. week of pregnancy. Congestion of the entire urinary system, and the gradual enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination. Your breasts may be swollen now, full, heavy with increased tension.


The embryo already has all the internal organs. The lungs appear; the liver starts making blood cells; the kidneys are working. Heart – already formed – pumps blood, hitting approx. 144 times in a minute. Hands and fingers with fingerprints develop; feet also develop (their development is delayed by several days relative to the palm). Muscles are built up; the cartilage thickens and lengthens, the spine and ribs begin to form. The head develops quickly, which at that time constituted 1/2 embryo length. The brain is formed and the cerebral cortex begins to form. The face is developing, eye and ear buds, palate, mandible and maxilla with primary primary teeth. The embryo grows approx. 1 mm per day. At the end of the second month it measures already 3,5 cm and weighs 10 g.

During this stage of pregnancy, you may experience discomfort similar to the first month of pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, somnolence, tiredness, frequent urination). There may also be complexion problems (such as in the case of acne-prone skin in teenagers). Your breasts may still feel swollen and heavy; in addition, blue subcutaneous lines appear on the breasts and abdomen. It is a venous mesh, which illustrates the increased blood transport in pregnancy (especially visible in very thin women, with a delicate structure). In addition, you may feel irritable, tearfulness and mood changes.


The baby looks more like a human figure. The body keeps getting simpler, limbs lengthen, especially the hands. The head rises gradually in relation to the torso, it is still relatively large (more or less 1/3 the length of the entire body). The cheeks are more clearly drawn, lips, baby's nose. Eyes, which hitherto were distant from each other, change their position to more in front of the head, however, they are closed all the time. The ears also change their position, are located a little higher. Nail buds appear on the fingers and toes. A baby's heart pumps blood to all parts of the body.
At the end of the first trimester, the baby weighs 30-40 grams and measures 9 cm. His body parts are shaped and he starts to move them, although these movements are not felt by the pregnant woman. The genitals are already developed, but gender is still difficult to recognize.

The previous symptoms still persist: tiredness, somnolence, frequent urination, constipation, heartburn. There are more veins showing through the skin on the legs and abdomen (blood vessels). The appetite increases (especially after morning sickness has subsided). At the end 3. the outline of the abdomen may be marked during the month. Clothes can become tight around the waist and hips. You may also experience periodic headaches and dizziness, changeable moods, feel irritable. The hair becomes thicker, they look healthy.


The head is now proportionally smaller in relation to the entire body; the baby opens its mouth and swallows the amniotic fluid. He can suck his thumb. His movements are more intense; can react to sounds. The brain matures, the cerebral cortex is folded, more and more nerve connections develop. The body is covered with fluff; cartilage begins to ossify (centers of ossification may already be visible). She has transparent skin, through which you can see the blood vessels. The heart beats faster than yours, by pumping approx. 30 liters of blood daily. The child is approx. 16 cm and weighs approx 130 g.

Most of the symptoms experienced in the first stage of pregnancy usually disappear. There is less frequent urination. The nausea goes away, you vomit less often. The appetite gradually increases, and the rounding of shapes can cause, that the pregnancy is becoming apparent. You may notice slight swelling around your ankles and feet, varicose veins may get worse. Breasts continue to enlarge, however, the swelling and soreness are usually reduced. You will feel satisfaction and reassurance, because your psyche will start to return to normal. At the end of the month, you may start feeling the first baby's movements. It could be, that you may feel more like sex now. This is why, that the vagina becomes more flexible and supplied with blood, as able
constant excitement.


Hair starts to grow on the head, eyebrows and whitish eyelashes appear. The eyelids are still closed, but the baby can move the eyeballs. The taste buds are well shaped, and teeth develop within the gums. The nipples appear. The external genitalia is now clearly visible, so that in many cases sex can be determined by ultrasound. The limbs lengthen and the baby makes intense movements with them, which is starting to feel pregnant, and over time they may also be visible to the eye. At first, your baby's movements may feel like gentle stroking, they become stronger and clearer over time. At the end 5. month, the child measures approx. 25 cm and weighs 400 g.

You are already feeling the fetus move. Feeling your baby's first movements: primipara – about 20. week of pregnancy, multiparous – about 18. week of pregnancy. There may be slight pains in the lower abdomen due to stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus. Sometimes there is a change in pigmentation on the skin of the abdomen (a characteristic brown line from the pubic symphysis up the abdomen) and face. You may also have leg cramps, slight ankle swelling, bleeding gums, and also from the nose. Problems with memory and concentration may arise. Caution: write down the date of the baby's first movements and give it to your doctor – this will help you determine the approximate due date.


The child moves very intensively. From approx 22.-24. week of pregnancy his eyes open. The toddler can blink his eyes and lead his eyes; it moves much more freely in the amniotic fluid. Cells responsible for conscious thinking are developing, and the baby becomes more sensitive to sounds and movement. The baby's limbs lengthen, bone structures accumulate greater amounts of minerals, the length of the limbs can be measured by ultrasound, and to exclude abnormalities of the child's spine and skull. Most serious defects can be recognized. From 20. During the week, you can also observe breathing movements during an ultrasound examination, which testify to the well-being of the child. The baby grows fast, peaking towards the end 6. month approx. 30 cm in length and weight 600-700 g.

During this time, you feel your baby's movements more and more. Sometimes it can push and kick even all day long. From the symptoms typical of this period of pregnancy, itching of the abdomen may occur, which stretches all the time and becomes more and more tense. Backache may also appear, especially if you maintain a wrong body posture. You may experience calf cramps (most often at night) and tingling in the arms and legs. Breasts enlarge. You are less likely to experience mood swings, but you can still be distracted and have trouble concentrating.


Subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to appear, the skeleton ossifies. The brain grows significantly and already has convolutions and furrows, the transmission of nerve impulses is faster and faster. The senses develop, the sense of taste is very developed – the baby can tell the difference between sweet and sour. The child may also feel pain, respond to light and sound. He may have hiccups (felt by you), caused by thumb sucking and swallowing water. He pushes himself intensely with elbows and knees. It already measures approx. 40 cm and weighs over a kilogram. It has a good chance, to survive, if he is born now.

For all symptoms, you noticed lately (itchy skin, leg cramps, swelling of the feet, hand, sometimes the face) may include difficulty falling asleep and shortness of breath. Difficulty breathing is caused by the pressure of the enlarging uterus against the diaphragm. They may appear sporadic, usually painless, uterine contractions. These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Due to weight gain and enlarging belly, you may complain of greater fatigue and increased back pain. You may notice a whitish fluid leaking from your breasts, that is, colostrum. You may also be constipated, which can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. You can still be distracted; additionally, concerns about the health of the child are increasing, childbirth and you alone in the new role of mother.


The little one continues to grow, it is still moving quite intensively. The subcutaneous fatty tissue has already developed. The sense of sight further develops. The baby's eyes register changes in lighting through the abdominal wall. The baby remembers mom's voice and the rhythm of her heartbeat. The brain continues to develop intensively. Most of the layouts are already well developed, but the lungs may still be immature. The baby has a good chance, to survive, if he is born now. Every week there are more and more babies 200 g and at the end 8. month of pregnancy weighs approx. 2500 g, and its length is 45-46 cm.

Problems with breathing are getting worse (they subside somewhat, when the child moves lower). The number of Braxton-Hicks contractions increases. Abdominal skin itching persists, back pain, calf cramps; constipation and whitish vaginal discharge worsen. Colostrum may leak out of your breasts. There may be impatience and thirst, for the pregnancy to end. Distraction grows. remember, that all these ailments are a temporary state, and with each day of pregnancy, the chance of having a healthy baby increases. Big belly makes, that you may feel a bit awkward and have difficulty moving quickly and efficiently. The internal organs are getting more and more compressed, and the heart has to work faster now. Therefore, try a lot and rest often. Make time for a nap or just laze around.


About 36.-37. Your baby's lungs fully develop during the week of pregnancy. The baby continues to grow, is gaining weight and increasing in length. I'm going, which was present all over his body, it practically disappears. In the bends of the elbows and knees, there are some remnants of fluid in the armpits and groin. Meconium builds up in the intestines, which will be passed out as the first stool after birth. At the time of delivery, the baby measures approx. 55 cm and weighs approx. 3500 g. Po 37. During the week of pregnancy, most babies have sufficiently mature organs and internal systems, which enables independent life outside the mother's organism. Therefore, I get pregnant after 37. week is defined as full-time. At the end of the third trimester, the baby moves to the pelvis, preparing for childbirth. The nature of the movements you feel changes, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy.

During this month of pregnancy, the activity of the fetus changes – the baby has little space in the uterus, so its movements feel more like drilling than digging. The swelling of the lower limbs still persists, varicose veins, itchy skin on the abdomen. It's easier for you to breathe, because the uterus goes down. However, you may suffer from insomnia. Uterine contractions are more frequent and stronger. At night or in the morning you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. During this time, you may experience fatigue or excess energy. Before giving birth, many women have an overwhelming desire to clean up and prepare their home for the baby's arrival (the so-called. nest instinct).