
tea-mintIt has great healing benefits. It is used as a spice in English and Mediterranean cuisine. It's a pity, that only there, because the addition of mint to dishes not only aromatizes and slightly sharpens their taste, but it greatly facilitates digestion.

English dishes smell like mint, Balkan, Italian, French, half
It has great healing benefits. It is used as a spice in English and Mediterranean cuisine. It's a pity, that only there, because the addition of mint to dishes not only aromatizes and slightly sharpens their taste, but it greatly facilitates digestion.

English dishes smell like mint, Balkan, Italian, French, half-
night African. The famous "mint sauce" made of fresh leaves is great, they are excellent, with the addition of mint, non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails, cooling drinks, Meat dish (mainly of beef) and curd spreads and stewed vegetables (carrot, for, cabbage) – according to old Polish recipes.

Always have fresh mint on hand, straight from the garden or pot, because it has the most menthol and other oils valuable for health and beauty. The most widespread – pepper mint – is a multiple cross between different species. It does not cause any trouble, planted in early spring or autumn from runners or by dividing older plants (from seed fails), it actually behaves like a weed. It is many years old.