The cakes will be plump and stay fresh for longer, even with fewer yolks or no honey, jeżeli do ciasta drożdżowego doda …
Yak and milk
You can separate the egg yolk from the egg white by knocking the egg into a regular funnel.
The mayonnaise is easy to wring, jeżeli olej i jaja …
Cooking eggs
The eggs will not come out during cooking, if the water becomes salted, and the shells will not break, if you add vinegar to the water. Jaja z pękniętą skorupką można …
The freshness of the eggs
Cheese and butter
Cheeses without factory packaging, in pieces, is stored in a cloth moistened with water (can be acidified with vinegar) or beer.
Masło narażone na działanie słońca owija się …
Cream (fresh or condensed milk) to "season" the soup or sauce, you need to rub it well with, for example, a little flour mixed with cold water, dodać trochę sosu lub …
The milk will curd faster, if you add a pinch of sugar to it.
The milk will not burn, if you rinse the pot with cold water before cooking, a nie …
Milk without a refrigerator
Drinks and milk are well kept warm, summer days without a refrigerator, when the bubble or bottle is wrapped tightly with a thick one, białym płótnem namoczonym w wodzie …